June Lake 2016

June Lake 2016

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Skiing in Moonlight

Altitude and Azimuth of the Moon on January 27, 2016, 3:00AM, per Astronomical Applications Dept.,  U.S. Naval Observatory
Altitude = 52 degrees  
Azimuth= 215 degrees 
Fraction Illuminated= 0.89

Four days after its fullness
The waning moon delivers 89 percent
of its full luminosity

When full, it rises with the setting sun,
each night afterword
it moves about an hour’s arc eastward
until at three o’clock this morning
a brilliant moon shown
from 52 degrees altitude
and 215 degrees azimuth
I care not about its azimuth
but I set my alarm for its altitude   

Out my window at the bell
clear sky revealed the waning moon
beaming as predicted and seemed
waiting for swish of skis
on four feet of snow
a foot of which was new and soft  

Nordic skis called restlessly
and to the woods I went

Eyes adjusted to moonlight
trees and snow clear as in daylight
swish and crunch of skis   

Silent when I stop, cold and cozy
alone with the moon
an essence of something more  

Pictures require long stops
set tripod, set delay, 20-second-open-shutter
all without gloves in cold morning air.  

I was led to the opinion that
my angular factiness of pursuits
keeps too cold a distance
from the spirit world
that seems close
in a mystical night in the woods  


  1. in rare moonlight
    trees slip on long shadows
    like skis
    as if the woods might slide
    cross country

    Looking forward to seeing you soon!

    1. You mean I got my facts wrong and the trees were slipping on their shadows and the woods were sliding on stars and will reach home soon after I do?

  2. You ladies are so delightful! You, Sharon and Kathabela. I feel continuous privilege to know you, to witness your poetic lives, your wit and whimsy, to wander in the moonlit skies and the tree-shadowed snowy hills ~ my how you travel the mind, the heart, the expansive sky of everlasting, on-going, eternally delicious TIME ... ah, such an illusion, this time thing, but bottled in that illusion is de-light that you both radiate. I appreciate YOU ~ thank you for inviting this Starshine into your world. You keep me smiling, giggling, laughing like a Ten Year Old. Let us hold hands and skip into the sunset barefoot and fancy free (not in the snow though) hee hee (added a little rhyme, just in time)

    1. Yes Junnie and Kathabela, let us join hands and skip around the sunset or Lake Arrowhead. Maybe both, not difficult for tenyearolds.
